Gail Skinner
Trainer/Animal Behaviour Consultant

I am Gail Skinner I started working with dogs, cats and horses at a young age as a volunteer for a large animal welfare society in South Africa.  The guidance I received from my mentor Dr Robert Dean Bullard inspired and encouraged me to pursue a life working with animals.

Over the years I have trained and qualified as a Veterinary Nurse, an Inspector for the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a Dog Groomer, a Bowen Therapist for both human and animal clients, a Dog Instructor, an Assistance Dog Instructor, a Canine Body Language Instructor, a Canine Behaviourist and a Professional Dog Trainer. In June 2019 I became a Certified Dog Puller Judge for the Algarve Region.  In 2021 I became a Certified Dog Parkour Instructor and in 2022 an Accredited Evaluator for Dog Parkour 1st Level

I have engaged my own dogs in the following fields

Obedience Competitions

Breed Conformation Competitions

Rally Obedience


Protection Work


Dock Diving

Trick Training


Search and Rescue

Dog Puller 

Horse and Hound runs

and TTouch to name a few.

There is so much more to dog training than Sit, Down, Stay and the Recall.

Owning and training a dog is a journey.  In my opinion it is not a case of get a new puppy or rescue dog and sign up for a 6/8 week training course and then at the end of the course put a line under it and that's it the dog or pup is trained.

Unfortunately it doesn't work like that.  Dogs are not little computer games to be programmed and then switched onto standby.

My training methods are seen as unusual when compared to other trainers.  Through games and having fun with your dog you will see WOW!!! moments as your dog starts to engage their brain and make life choices that we as owners want to see.